Fábio is an electrical engineer and mechanical technician with an MBA in Business Management Postgraduate Degree .
He is a member of ABRAFAC (Brazilian Association of Facility Management, Property and Workplace)
He has 16 years in strategic positions in Facilities and Operations Management , Real Estate and projects and in-depth experience of best market practices and opportunities and implementation of innovation and sustainability projects, such as reduction of CO2 emissions, reduction of energy, water and gas consumption, focusing on the satisfaction of customer, owners and investors followed the guidelines focused on ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance).
During your career he implemented of certification processes for LEED – Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design – for Operation and Maintenance (O+M) Sustainability, Acessibility projects, Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions, and 5S systems.
He led projects and works for the expansion, revitalization and construction of properties, retrofit projects for electrical, hydraulic, automation and HVAC systems, which have always been focused on sustainability and health with great efficiency and quality.
In 2020 he participated as a member of the Examining Board of the course final paper of Electrical and Electronic Engineering of Universidade Santa Cecília TCC : “ Development of System for Monitoring of Electrical Equipment of Laboratories”
In 2018 he earned recognition plaques of 5S (Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain) Continuous Improvement System in high-end ventures.
In 2015,2016 and 2021 he achieved of LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold Level – for Operation and Maintenance (O+M) Sustainability Certificate in high-end ventures
In 2016 he participated as Speaker at FEICON (National Construction Fair) with theme LEED sustainability certifications – Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design – for Operation and Maintenance (O + M)
He participated as a volunteer in a joint work with an international non-governmental organization (NGO) called TECHO (Teto) helping to build sustainable houses in slum areas.